chicken scratch before you bake the chicken
Storyboarding is a crucial step in the production of various creative projects, including films, animations, advertisements, and even interactive media. It involves visually planning out the sequence of events, compositions, and camera angles to effectively convey the story or concept. Storyboards serve as a blueprint, allowing creators to map out their ideas, make necessary adjustments, and ensure a cohesive and visually appealing final product.
For the main title sequence on the feature film - PARADISE, A Town of Sinners and Saints - we created 160+ unique storyboard frames assembled into an animatic with the soundtrack helped the director and producers best determine the flow and timing of their opener. Use the links below to compare the storyboards' animatic to the completed full main title sequence.
Then beneath the main title designs are samples of some commercial storyboards and corporate productions.

"PARADISE" opener A
from pitch to storyboards

"PARADISE" opener C
from pitch to storyboards
commercial storyboards

Siemens CT-Video
corporate production layout

"PARADISE" opener B
from pitch to storyboards

"PARADISE" opener D
from pitch to storyboards
commercial storyboards

"Life Intimidates Art"
animated short film open